By Dr. Cole, FUE Hair Transplant Pioneer

Hair Transplant Stories


The following testimonials are from actual patients who chose Forhair. Almost every day we receive letters of thanks from former patients. We greatly appreciate them for taking the time to praise our clinic and their results. The testimonials below feature Forhair patients who generously allow us to use their words. Their stories focus on their actual experiences and results, detailing what they thought of the procedure, our clinic, and their hair. We hope you enjoy reading their stories and find them as inspiring as we do!

Forhair patients also share online reviews on many social platforms like Facebook, Google, and RealSelf. Dr. Cole is a top doctor physician on RealSelf on RealSelf and keeps an up-to-date and informative profile. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more hair transplant video testimonials with patients and to see their results first hand!


He (Dr. Cole) did a fantastic job of giving me a head of hair again. It was just an incredible experience. It couldn’t have been a better experience. And then that darn stuff grew and it’s still growing.




I could not be happier, It’s the best decision I’ve made personally. I did it for me and I feel I gain more confidence, I feel like I’m a better business, I feel like I’m better at my social life, All the way around it’s one of the best things I have chosen to do!





This is a testimonial from a patient who had the FUE Procedure with 2050 grafts placed on the frontal region of the recipient site.





Remarkable hair transplant results happen every day at FORHAIR. Here is the testimonial of one patient who underwent a hair restoration transformation.

Patient 66




In the video, Dr. Cole Interview Giorgio S. about his successful transformation from a depressed balding individual to a happy high condfidant guy, check his impressive results by watching this video.

Patient Giorgio Testimonial



In the following video, patient bbv share his super-fast and stunning hair restoration results done by the Forhair Clinic.





In the video, our patient describes his experience with ongoing pain from his previous strip procedure and recommends that those considering hair restoration surgery, avoid the strip (FUT) method.




 believe Dr. Cole is always ahead of the rest, Maybe 10 years ahead of the other doctors out there. FUE is the golden standard and combined with the SMP it’s the way to go!



It looks like after Dr. Cole’s FUE procedure i’ve gained 10 to 15 years of youthfulness

Peter K




My hair has gone from a thinning 50 year old to back when I was in my 30’s in just 12 months.

Brian P




Dr. Cole thank you for doing such an amazing job with my hair. You can’t see a single mark in the donor area and I’m really pleased with the results. Everyone who knows about my surgery can’t believe how flawless the front looks. It’s incredible. Putting more hair in the front was smart and with a little Topik I have a full head of hair. It has changed the way I look and I have a lot more confidence with my business and meeting clients. You truly are exceptional! I’ll see you in a few weeks for Acell. I look forward to it and you’ll be able to see your great results in person. Very Satisfied Customer.





“Before coming to Dr. Cole’s clinic, I went to one of those big chain hair transplant companies. I’ll just say; I was not impressed. I felt as if I was treated like a number and they wanted to get me in and out as soon as possible. I was also very unhappy with the results. I began an Internet search, looking for someone to do my next transplant and by accident, found Dr. Cole. During my initial consultation, I spoke with Kim Wallace and Dr. Cole and left the office feeling confident related to having my next procedure there. The day of surgery, the surgery techs impressed me as being like a well-oiled military machine. They were also very kind courteous and fun. I am writing this testimonial while taking a break from my second procedure with Dr. Cole on January 14th. 2015 and I can’t wait for the newly placed grafts to grow. I was so very happy with the results from my previous procedure at Dr. Cole’s office. They really know what they’re doing. One word to describe the folks at Dr. Cole’s… Awesome!!!




Well I have a LOT of gratitude for you guys and I spoke from my heart.

I’ve been trying to get this situation behind me for a long time, I don’t like seeing the bad work in the mirror everyday I would like to look normal and presentable to the world. I have to learn to stop being so hard on myself, but what those first 2 doctor’s made me look like was unacceptable. A previous Doctor did improve my situation a bit but nothing close to what Dr.Cole did for me, and what he suggested for my problem in the future.

Finally after seeing 3 different surgeries with 3 different doctors, going through all that trouble, saving up all those thousands of hard earned dollars, hoping and thinking about way to make my situation look normal again, Dr.Cole come’s along and actually give’s me the solution I was searching for.

For the first time since this whole mess, I actually have hope because of Dr.Cole. His solution to use SMP for the FUE donor scars, and to blend the SMP with FUE grafts into the strip scar was pure genius! He is way ahead of the game.

I sent you that text while I was still in my car before I got home, I am home right now typing this on my computer and I was able to look at my donor for the first time since surgery, and the dang thing looks like 75% normal! That’s amazing. I can’t tell about the strip scar yet completely because the grafts have to grow through the scar to blend with the SMP, but the donor area looks SO MUCH better I can’t believe it. What a massive improvement, I would like to give Dr.Cole a hug it really made me happy to see that. The donor looked really patchy before and it bothered me a lot and it looks so much more even now. No doctor has been able to give me such an improvement like this before. I have a ways to go still I am so happy with the improvement of the donor area already.

I would love to see how it looks when I grow my hair to a #2 guard as I really don’t like going shorter than that, but if it still blends nice and helps fill in the patchy spots I would love to speak with Dr.Cole about using the permanent solution for the donor in the future. My donor looked even worse than my scalp except for that left temple, so what he did for me boosted my appearance significantly.



Thank you very much for your help. Also, I just wanted to thank Dr. Cole and the team for the repair work they did in March. It looks so much better, almost like the procedure he repaired never happened. I just wanted to tell you all that I’m really thankful for the work you did. If it wasn’t for the strip scar you can’t even tell I ever had the procedure. Thank you very much. I’ll be contacting you when I have time to schedule this. Very excited to do the final step in the repair process.

Hair Transplant Stories, Forhair



Hello Dr. Cole and team. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your amazing care last week. This was by far my easiest process in 3 surgeries. And in addition to an essentially pain free process you were able to keep the surgery undetectable to others. Not an easy feat and I just wanted to say it was so greatly appreciated. I’m sure my results will be stellar and I’ll be sure to share photos. If you could pass my thanks along to both the front and back office teams I’d greatly appreciate it. I’m also happy to provide any testimonial or have s conversation with anyone having questions about cit if that would help me “give back.”





Our patient from Wales, UK is sharing his testimonial from his last surgery with Dr. Cole followed by his before and after photos, he had a total of 3007 FUE and the results are thirteen months after his last surgery with Dr. Cole in Alpharetta, Georgia.

** Update recieved by email in September 2014:

Just looking back at pictures from the Bahamas and Florida …and oh La Vergne ..Tennessee… What a blast !! most grateful




What is your impression with PRP and Acell standalone? For me, it will be month 1 through 8 when i would see the caliber of the hair…it is thicker, a lot darker, healthier, definitely improve coverage if you have hair, on area that is thin it will defiantly improve what you got.


I am very happy from looking at my photos, actually quite shocked. six years past from 2007 to 2013 and you would think it will be the same or will get worse but actually the substantial cosmetic difference is great and exciting!



In the video, our patient describes his experience with ongoing pain from his previous strip procedure and recommends that those considering hair restoration surgery, avoid the strip (FUT) method.

Patient 62 Testimonial



I found the experience, on the whole, to be good. I truly appreciated Dr. Cole’s candor, kindness, and integrity. And I found his staff to be professional and considerate. Should I have any future needs, I have no doubt that Dr. Cole is my guy. I am progressing well, and am astounded by how quickly I am healing.



Hi Brandi, Kim and Bob

I hope that you and the staff at Dr. Cole are well. I attach some photos taken last weekend on 22/7/2012, one year after my surgery. As there are a number of large files I have sent them in two E-mails as they are too big for one E-mail.

The results are looking good now. The front and hairline are dense and natural. There is all over coverage. The look of the crown varies depending on the lighting so I have sent you some photos under different light levels. The photos taken last weekend were in strong light. I have added a couple of photos taken today in lower light so that you can see the contrast. Generally there is a striking improvement when compared to the pictures before my surgery. With hindsight, most of the growth seemed to happen in the 5 month period from 4 to 9 months after my operation. Compared to my age 40+ peers I seem to have a normal head of hair and this has definitely improved my confidence.

Thank you for your help and your interest in my result after surgery. It’s much appreciated.

Patient 60




Dr. Cole – It has been a week since my surgery and I thought I would give you a quick update: Pain = None Bleeding = None Redness = None Swelling = None I thought that you and your surgical team did a great job and I look forward to the final results. I also traveled to Phoenix from Atlanta two days after the surgery and has no discomfort … and I went back to work on Monday. As I stated last week … after prior surgeries in your facility, this was the easiest and most pain-free of all. I also think the administration process was faster and easier than in the prior situations. Thank you.



Dear Dr. Cole:

Thank you for honoring my request and for being a gentleman. The hair transplants from last time are growing in quite nicely. I can now go out in public without a hat or turban.

Again, thank you, and I will be in touch soon to set up another appointment.



Doctor Cole is obviously an expert in the Hair Transplant field and it was nice to know that I was being treated by the best of the best. His staff was friendly and happy. The time went by quickly for a long procedure. I would highly recommend Dr. Cole.



I have had procedures with Dr. Cole year ago and thought he did great work. The process now is even easier and the recovery was very fast. Previoulsy it took about 10 days to heal to the point of going out in public without a hat, this time it was 7 days.



I could not be more satisfied with the professionalism and kindness of the entire medical staff. I have visited the clinic several times and am always greeted wih a warm and friendly welcome. Thank you all for your high standards and kind treatment.



I would like to thank Dr. Cole for the special treatment given to me during my scar repair session on May 3rd. I truly value Dr. Cole´s experience, knowledge and generosity. A big thank you to all the staff as well for making me feel at home during my procedure. Please send my regards to Dr. Cole and tell him the ATP and PRP gel worked nicely in a fast recovery.



I am overall very impressed with the clinic.

Dr. Cole and staff were very respectful and engaging and Dr. Cole took a lot of time to make sure everything was proceeding correctly throughout the 11 hour surgery. C2G is a grueling day for the entire staff but graft #1 was placed with the same care as graft #1901.

I have had a long battle with hair loss. Many of the medical professionals that I have met along the way have been lazy and/or inept. You are an example of what medical care should and can be. Keep up the good work!



Appreciated the time with Dr. Cole and his commitment to customer satisfaction. He went beyond the agreed to number of grafts to ensure the result would be satisfactory. Him and his staff took the additional time ensure a natural look that so far is exceeding expectations. Had CIT non-shaven procedure done



I can just say keep up a good work. I would highly recommend this office as I have already done so and will continue to do the same. Staff was very nice and entertaining and made this process very easy and comfortable. All aspects of this process have generously exceeded my expectations.



Dr. Cole and Staff.

It has been about two weeks since my last procedure and everything is healing up nicely. I had no pain or swelling. The scabs in the donor and recipient areas were gone in about a week. This was my second procedure and I was much more relaxed than I was at my first one which was about five months ago. Dr. Cole and his staff seem like old friends now. I am very confident in their knowledge and ability because I have had excellent growth from my first procedure.

Thanks again for all the hard work that you do!



Sorry If my English is not very well, but I am French actually. Your website is very good and provide each time I visite it very useful content so keep on that way ;). Laura



Dr. Cole and Staff : It has been just 4 mo. since my first procedure and the growth seems to be better than I expected at this early stage.I had 2000 non-shaven grafts in the front and mid scalp area. I cant remember when I had hair to comb in the hairline area.It is a real good feeling to look in a mirror again and see a hair line filling in.I was very skeptical about having a hair transplant. There is so much mis-information about it on the internet that I almost backed out.

Dr. Cole was very professional and he addressed all my concerns about what I could expect. His non-shaven FUE is the way to go. The healing is very fast,due to the use of A-cell in the donor area.Dr.Cole and his surgical staff were much easier on me than a trip to my dentist! Dr. Cole is on top of all new technologies in the hair transplant field because he is the one developing some of it !! Thanks again to all the staff, they are great! I am looking forward to returning for my second procedure in May.



ll of you has helped me to change my life into something great. I can now finally show everybody the great guy I am…..and now I no longer have to hide behind some terrible hair.

God bless you all

From the happy Dane 😉




Hi everyone, It’s been almost 14 months since Dr. Cole fixed my hair. I am one of those repair cases you hear or read in forums. I had previous bad procedures and my donor was depleted. After almost 5000 grafts with the other clinic, I ended up with nothing more than a wall of plugs in my hairline. Most of them never grew and the ones that did, like I said before, were plugs. Through Dr. Cole’s CIT technique, he and the team were able to de-bulk and redistribute most of the mess that was there. Then using only around 340 grafts plus the ones he had already redistributed, he was able to give an impressive cover up for my frontal third.

I have a thinning crown, but unfortunately my donor resources are gone. I am looking forward for a PRP and ACell procedure with him some time next year. Anyways, thank you all and if someone is reading this looking for some advice, stop looking around…GO TO DR COLE, HE IS DEFINITELY THE BEST. He will manage your donor with great care and the results are incredible. If I had a time machine, I would go straight to Dr Cole, so for all of you considering a hair transplant, don’t learn the hard way but through others experiences. This is going to be one of the most important decisions in your life, trust me, with him you can not go wrong.



Dr. Cole and Staff I just wanted to thank you all for making my first experience at your clinic a very positive one. I had looked at different web sites for 2or 3 years before making my decision on which one I would choose. On my first appointment to see Dr. Cole, he made me feel confident that the decision I was making was a good one. I liked him right away and there was no pressure put on me to have the procedure. Dr. Cole and his staff are great and work very hard.

The procedure I had was very time consuming and I saw how dedicated he and his staff were. The procedure was not painful and I didn’t even need pain pills after the surgery. I had no swelling and the scabs are about gone after the first week. I am looking forward to my next procedure to address the hair loss in crown area. I will take some photo’s to show my progress. Thanks again




Hi Brandi – just wanted to thank you, all the staff and of course Dr.Cole for everything last week. The whole experience was stress free and everyone was very nice and concerned about my comfort and very professional.



Dear Dr. Cole, As one of your returning patients, I wish to share my experience with your non-strip procedure. It offers a testament to the advances that you have made over the years. About five years ago, I underwent a strip procedure that included about one thousand grafts. The most invasive part of the procedure was the strip taken to harvest the grafts. The procedure was easy for me. Most important is that I was delighted with the results. I recently underwent your non-strip procedure to fill in another area of my scalp that has started to thin. I didn’t have my head shaved. Grafts were taken from underneath my hair. Transplant site incisions are so small now that I could hardly see them. Your surgical procedure for hair transplantation has become sophisticated to the point where I wouldn’t even call it a surgery. I am confident that I will be pleased with the result. I just need to wait a few months to see the results coming in. You remain a caring and committed physician. I can’t imagine anyone experiencing hair loss even hesitating to see you. Thank you again.



You did an FUE procedure for me back summer ’07.

You probably don’t remember distinctly, as you spend a lot of time staring at the backs of peoples’ heads, but I just wanted to let you know that the one very long, laborious 12 hour day you spent working on me has made every day since more enjoyable. For some bizarre, primitively archetypal reason, it’s important to have hair!

I can imagine the labor part of your work gets pretty tedious and repetitive, so I thought it was important to simply remind you of what a significant impact your work carries forward in your patients’ every day lives.



I am satisfied with the results. I am glad i did it and i think i should have looked in to it several years ago. It is not realistic to expect that it will change my life, but I am pleased that I did it for me.



Dear Dr. Cole,

Thank you once again for the absolutely incredible job that you and your ENTIRE staff did yesterday during my procedure. It amazes me that you are able to take a meticulous, manually intensive process, turn it into an art-form and then systemize it to the point of near perfect consistency. The fact that your staff this year was EXACTLY the same as your staff last year speaks volumes to the type of business that you run and the pride that your team takes in it’s work. Everyone in the room yesterday demonstrated impeccable professionalism, unwavering respect, and kindness. It is no accident that you are considered the foremost expert and leader in the field of hair transplantation. There are countless horror stories available on the internet and in everyday life which painfully demonstrate the devastating effect that a poorly performed hair transplant can have on a person. At the very least your work is boosting someone’s confidence and self-esteem and perhaps allowing someone to hold on to their youth a little while longer. At most, your work is saving someone’s life who was disfigured at the hands of an unethical doctor who didn’t think that a hair transplant was “all that big of a deal”. What you do is incredible Dr. Cole. You tell a person what they need and not what they want. You properly set a patient’s expectations upfront. You demand the very best from your talented staff. And you treat your patients as people, not as customers. Thank you again for everything. Have a truly wonderful holiday and a fantastic 2009 – ditto for your staff.

With great respect,

Grateful patient



I’m more than impressed so far. The only down side was the swelling. it got really bad around day 3-4 and drifted down towards my eyes.

Other than that it’s been kind of amazing. Very little pain. The donor area was red for about a week but the recipient area…I’m not sure if everything went okay because the scabs were gone in about 5 days and there was no redness. no redness. I got a haircut on day 8 and my barber guy’s jaw dropped on the floor. You couldn’t tell that anything had been done other than the fact that i had a lot of little hairs underneath my other hair. No one has any idea that I had anything done. Most of the hairs in the recipient area have not fallen out. I’m not sure how long that normally takes but they’ve already grown twice as long and are over 1/4″. I had my hair cut pretty close on the sides and back and you can’t see anything. It’s all pretty impressive. I actually keep forgetting that I had this done. numbness and everything is gone. It dawned on me today that I needed to write back to you and I honestly haven’t thought about the procedure in over a week. So strange. I already have the feeling that this is the best money that I’ve ever spent. We’ll see. Ask me again in a month after I’ve made some payments.

User placeholder



Dear Dr. Cole

I searched all over the Southeast for the best hair transplant available. After meeting with many Doctors and patients, we made a decision that I have never regretted. Dr. John Cole and the team at The Cole Hair Transplant Group were the best I have ever seen. I was treated with the highest of respect and in a very professional way.

I have been pleased with the surgery for many years now. When I get a hair cut and tell the stylist that I had transplant hair replacement – they do not believe me. It is the most professional transplant available anywhere that I have ever seen. I have seen some pretty horrible jobs from other Doctors who do transplants. I know you will be very pleased with the work of Dr. Cole and his staff. If I can assist you in any way, Please do not hesitate to contact me again. God bless you and I wish you the very best.

I am including a couple recent pictures with a full head of hair! You can have it too!

Bishop W. Wayne Pugh

Senior Pastor

Church Alive International

Atlanta/Loganville, GA





Hey everyone! Can’t wait to see you guys this coming Saturday. My hair is coming in really well. So far, as I expected, I am very pleased. I am constantly looking in the mirror, and in doing so, find myself in awe of the work you guys performed. I love you guys! Dr. Cole and staff are top notch! I had a wedding reception to go to this past weekend and one guy made the comment, ” Yeah, some guys go bald, some guys go gray . . . looks like you don’t have to worry about either.” I can’t begin to tell you how good that made me feel. I had my hair cut before the reception and my barber said my transplant was incredible. He wanted to know where my scar was! He couldn’t find one. He said that he would like some business cards to handout to clients. More business for you = more business for him! I know I still have a lot more growth to come so I’m totally stoked to see the end result. Thank you guys for doing such a good job and I look forward to my future procedure (hopefully, my last). Kids are expensive!



I wanted to give you an up-date now that the procedure has had the benefit of 6 months. I have to say that the results are truly fantastic! After the initial problem of some hair loss, seemingly overnight the hair started to grow in. This has been the best procedure i have had and although it is the largest procedure i have had to date, the yield is truly amazing. To say that am delighted with the results would be an understatement! I don’t know whether the sample of the new process helped create better results. Whatever may be the case, you’re a maestro and i’m a happy customer! Sincere thanks to you and your team! This has really worked.



Dr. Cole and team,

Thank you for the hard work, the focus and attention to detail that you and your team displayed last week during my surgery. Your work has already begun to erase much of my anxiety. I realize that you are a talented Doctor and that you expect the best from your assistants. That combination of talent and dependability makes a huge difference. Also, your advice and your honesty made me comfortable. I knew after we discussed my options that I made the right decision to have you correct a mistake another Doc made in the past on my hairline. I would highly recommend anyone who has hairline issues from a past surgery to consult and to work with you and your team.

Thank You,




Hi everybody,

I am the italian patient, sorry if I did not write before, but I’m a bit shy and I’m not very familiar with forums.

My first comment is to say publicly thanks to dr. Cole and his wonderful staff for the great work they did on my head The operations really changed my mind and my life, and, after many years of hair-losing, I could finally live a long period of hair-growing in places where before there was just the desert!

What can I say more? Results are very natural, I had a very light and no problematical post-op, hair and bht are still growing. I’m completely satisfied. Thats all.

Sorry for my poor english. If there are questions, I’d be glad to try to answer. Ciao a tutti!

Original post and results: The Italian patient’s results



I would just like to give you a quick follow up on my procedure yesterday and Tuesday. I will send back your survey form to you in the near future.

I would like to say that I am extremely impressed by the high quality of service that I received. Everyone that I dealt with was very corteous and professional.

Dr Cole is everything that I heard he was. In my opinion, the best FIT/FUE doctor there is. His attention to detail is most impressive. He definitely exceeded my expectations. And I really like the new hairline he gave me!

Thanks to all for a great experience.




Hi Dr. Cole, hope all is well. It has been some time since I checked in with you, and I wanted to pass on some impressions of my progress.

The good news is that things continue to improve up there on the ‘ol head. I just came from a professional conference, and I hadn’t seen some of my colleagues for some years, and also met many new people. The new people I met didn’t seem to notice anything about my head (the dreaded stare at one’s pluggy scalp I was so accustomed to). That was a good experience.

More often than not, however, people commented on how “healthy” I looked, especially people who hadn’t seen me for some time. They said that couldn’t quite put their finger on it, but that I looked “younger” than they had seen me . . . I pointed out that I have more grey hair than I did years ago, so how could I look younger? This seemed to puzzle people, and many just said that they couldn’t quite figure it out, just that I looked strong, good, and healthy. Not too bad, huh?

I presented an academic paper before 500 or so people one of my last days at the conference, and while this was something that I would have avoided like the plague for the past 7 or so years (as the plugs became more and more obvious), it was a breeze and I enjoyed it. One person asked if I had taken a public speaking course or something. Of course I didn’t tell them that it was as simple as getting some of my confidence back after shattering it with my bad decision to go to Bosley inc. all those years ago. Thus, in a way, with the boost provided by removing the plugs, I am simply starting to remember “who I am”, rather than continuing to allow myself to be the insecure person I had become, due to the bad HTs.

In reference to my noggin, things continue to improve. Growth in the linear scars continues, I can shave down to a number 4 now in back without much showing, and this is a major improvement. The front is also looking good, I can style it with much less evidence of bad HTs. There are about 5 or so plugs that are still visible, and two areas of the hairline that while not pluggy, are still a bit “patchy” (the very front, to the right) and the left temple. Under bright neon lights, I have seen a wandering eye or two as well. However, I know that for my type of repair, 7 months out is not the end of the story, and thus I continue to hope for additional improvement.

Again, thanks for the extra mile you worked on my head, it has really made a difference.

Best Regards



My experience at the Cole clinic was *** amazing. I was there for about 3 days or so back in October of 2005. It was almost like a dream; it was a dream, really. I was a little nervous a first obviously because this was my first time but just looking ahead at what was to be really gave me the courage to go through with the surgery, and at the end, it turned out better than I expected.

It’s been about 7 months now since the surgery and I am so satisfied and this is just the beginning. I really miss Alpharatta and everyone at IHTI and can’t go back and visit them all. The experience was more than a life changing experience for me because I met so many great people there at the clinic that really care about you and your well being. My life has changed now. I don’t worry about hairloss anymore, it’s the other things like traffic, work, etc, but when I look back at the way my life was and the way I felt when I was losing my hair, these things are really mundane. I feel as though as long as you feel good about yourself, you’ll view the world in a more positive way. This does not mean that everyone should go out and get a transplant; it’s not for everyone, actually. Some people might be satisfied with the way they look even if they’re losing their hair. However, some people look in the mirror who are losing their hair and don’t really want to look different, but want to look the way they did when they had hair. Thanks Dr. Cole and the team.

This journey has been one of the greatest experiences of my life!





My overall experience with the procedure was outstanding. I’ve been going for about 10 years now and have had 4 procedures. (I started when my hairloss was minimal at 26 years old.) I opted for a few small procedures at first (300-400 grafts) and then a few bigger ones (1200 grafts). I really didn’t “need” the most recent one. I was kind of getting greedy because the results are so good. Nobody can tell that I have had the procedure. Its very natural. Sometimes people say that I look good or that I’ve lost weight. Occasionally, they will ask if I’ve been using a new hair product. Those are only people who have known me a long time and see me infrequently. As for the results, yes, I got the expected results and then some.

I am often mistaken for being in my late 20’s. (I’m 37 next month). It takes about 8 or 9 months for new hair to start to show (after your surgery). After a year, it will be all grown out. You will look in the mirror and notice a difference one day and realize it worked. As for the overall time it takes, I could have stopped at the second procedure (total 900 grafts), because my original goal was to not look (balding). I was still thin in a few areas and wanted to go for it, so I had the big ones done as well. If you want to accelerate it, you could always do big procedures close together. I’m just more likely to take baby steps. I’m obviously a big fan of Dr. Cole’s work. I wouldn’t let anyone else work on me. I’m lucky I found him! If you have any other questions, just email me back. Good luck! Andy



Dear Dr Cole,

I’ve been balding since I was 19, now 50, so I know how to maintain. My younger brother who looks like my twin is a Norwood 7, donor is thin too, told him a HT is not an option. He never used anything to maintain, didn’t believe in it. Been slicking my hair back lately so people at work have been calling me Pat Riley, getting many compliments on how much I’ve grown. This past Friday 5 guys inspected my scalp in my office because someone mentioned that I went to Atlanta and there’s a good HT doctor down there that’s my I have so much more hair. They finally concluded it’s way too natural to be a transplant, must be the propecia and minoxidil foam, good work!!!

Anyway just got into a relationship with a beautiful woman. Thanks Again.



You have an excellent staff. They were all very professional and dedicated. I appreciate you and your team’s efforts. I gave Jack a card with a bunch of different gift certificates in it. I figured since you helped me out with the extra grafts then giving you guys the gift cards could be the least I could do. To be honest I can’t remember everyone who worked on me but please make sure they all get one.



Been really busy. Very happy w/ the results thus far. Please let Dr Cole know that I am greatly appreciative of what he has done for me. There was a period of time when I thought that my life was practically ruined thanks to previous doctors. I couldn’t leave the house- not w/o a hat. I felt helpless and pissed off. I look and feel completely normal again! no more hats. I don’t think that my patients, my family, or anyone else can tell that I have a HT. I have only the highest opinion of Dr Cole and his work is truly grateful. God Bless him. I look forward to sending photos soon.


2739G CIT & 1020 BHT JAPAN MAN

Posted by “Japan Man” on the forums

My recovery is going exceptionally well. I am following the recovery instructions to the T. By the end of day 5, 70% of my scabs fell off. By the end of day 6, 95% of scabs are off. I have not had any shedding and the HT have doubled or tripled in length since surgery. I really didn’t expect that. My hairline looks very natural and you cannot tell the hairs were transplanted. I am still waiting for my scabs to fall off in the donor area and the remaining hair to grow to add coverage. Another 4-5 days and you won’t be able to notice anything was done. ***. I look a few years younger already.

Please thank Dr. Cole. They were awesome. The staff were great also. If I need to come back in a year or so for more work, I will not hesitate to do it again.

Talk with you soon and thanks for everything.



Posted by EH For the first time since 1973 I am plug free…I can’t thank you enough!! I just want you to know that I just came from my Doctor to have the stitches removed and he was amazed with the quality of the work. Dr. Cole, you advised me on Friday that I may be red in the removal area for a while, but as of right now some areas of removal have almost totally healed. My Doctor said I was hardly red at all. As of today I would say a third are pink, and some just look like small red dots not detectable at all with the way I wear my hair. Overall the skin around the removal site is normal color. This only four days post!! Again many thanks for the dedication and support . The only negative of the entire experience was how sore my ass got from sitting in the chair. Next time in Atlanta I will stop to show you the results, and I will also try to send some pictures by the end of the week. All the best, EH



Hi Michelle, so far so good. Today is the 1 week mark, and the scabs are slowly coming off, and the religious use of the Biotin spray from appears to have reduced the redness to nil. The donor area is growing out nicely, and there’s no pain or discomfort at all. Come to think of it I didn’t have any post-op pain or swelling.

Dr. Cole’s a pro’s pro at this business, and I know I made the right choice by choosing him. It made for a nice little vacation from my business, and the Residence Inn provided a relaxing place to hang out. You’re a nice group of folks, and if I’m back in the area I’ll stop by to say Hi, whether I have another session or not.


Best, S



Hi, in case I enhance my well deserved reputation as a wind bag (going on a bit) I will keep this post short. I have just got back to the UK after another wonderful experience at Cole’s clinic. This time I was aiming to fill in my hairline with another strip of aprox 1000 grafts, but I think the final count was a good deal more than that.

I am just 12 days post ht now and my donor area is fine, my stiches are falling out, I can sleep on the donor site, and my hairline has looked fine for about a week, you guys are just so good. In addition to the expected delights, of Dr Cole et al, I also got to go for an extra sandwich (in addition to my grinder!) with some of the team after work. Just to give any readers an example of how great these guys are hairtec not only got me a natty little bandana to wear to the cafe, but offered to wear one himself to deflect attention from me while we were out.

I think the world of all you guys, thanks again for a great trip.

your friend




Email Testimonial: Attention John Cole, MD During the past three days it was my privilege to be your patient at the IHTI where I received outstanding restorative hair care from you and your surgical team. I know that you are well aware of the superb skills of your specialty and support staff. However, please permit the following comments based upon personal observation. From the beginning of my referral and initial telephone contact with IHTI, it was evident that the physicians were supported by a dedicated and enthusiastic staff. During my first visit it became apparent that the cohesiveness of your group was in large measure due to your demonstrated professionalism and dedicated efforts as a leader and mentor. Your superior surgical skills were enhanced by your sensitivity to individual patient needs. Your entire staff demonstrated a similar rare sensitivity to my total needs. I would like to recognize each one and will look forward to receiving the correct spelling of names, as per our conversation. Many laudable statements may be made concerning the traits of those with whom I had contact. Compassionate, kindnesses, consideration, social and cultural awareness of the needs of patients, a great sense of humor are but some of them. I am very appreciative of your dedicated efforts. You are very fortunate to have so many fine individuals on you staff. Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep appreciation for the outstanding professional services rendered to me and to wish you continued successes in your research and treatment endeavors. I hope I have sufficient scalp donor follicles to restore the hairline. If the esthetics of the body hair is pleasing, I should have adequate donor reserves. I am doing exceptionally well and hope to see you again. Doc, enough said! Your achievements genuinely place you among the elite of the profession! My personal wish and prayer for each of you is that the many kindnesses shown to me will be returned to you a thousand-fold. WRF



Thanks for the newsletter. It’s Benny, the complementary repair case from October 2003. Happy New Year to all there too.

I’m back at university thanks to the big improvement in my appearance from the surgery. I just got my first semester in 10 years’ results back. 3 A+’s and 2 A’s. Not too bad after my 10 year layoff. :0) I’m studying for a Geography degree. I am interested in Demographic/Urban/Economic Geography issues with some Environmental aspects as well. I plan on using Computer Mapping and GIS skills I’m learning to have an interesting career. Thanks for helping me make this possible.

Thanks again. It seems like such a long time ago I was down there in Atlanta. I’d love some of that warm weather. Here it’s -40C lately and I think that’s about the same in Farenheit when it’s that cold. Brrrrr.

I’m not very involved at all in online forums anymore. I find it too upsetting and anxiety causing. And with my studies I have to spend alot of time doing schoolwork. I do a lot of studying, and it’s nice to see it paid off my first semester back with the A’s and A+’s.

Say hi to everyone for me. Good luck spreading the word on FIT. And have there been any good “chair parties” lately?

BTW, why the Finnish on your Christmas Card? I love it. I was an exchange student in Finland in ’92-’93. Mina olin vaihto-oppilas. Kuka on Suomalainen Atlantassa? Mina unohdan liian paljon suomea. Hyva Jolua ja Onnalista Uuden Vuotta!

Thank you again for helping me get my life back.




Dr. Cole and Forhair,

It was truly a pleasure to get to speak with you gentleman with weekend. The seminar was very interesting to me and certainly worth the bus ride from Boston.

Over the past couple of months I have been getting increasingly upset and depressed about my hairloss. Seeking help from HT “doctors” made it a lot worse because they all said I had average hair and that I should get surgery. Some things that Dr. Leonard said to me were particularly upsetting (he even discouraged me from shaving my head. What a jerk, I’m 24.). I suppose I knew that I was being lied to but when a person is worried about hair they tend to internalized these types of comments. My buttons were being pushed and it did mentally hurt me for sure.

My point is I feel a lot better about my situation after speaking with both of you. I truly do. I think I like doctors who employ densometers and logic in consultation – instead of just salesman and boobery. Thank you for respecting my intelligence and being honest and concerned etc (man, you guys are funny too). At last, I feel as though my hair is a manageable problem. When it becomes unmanageable I believe I know who to call. I’ll be saving my paper route money until that day (and harassing Pat Hennessy).

Forhair, your hair looks very good and undetectable.

Dr Cole, you are like a cat, nobody knows where you’ve have been.

Thanks you for your help guys, I feel a lot better.





What a journey! I read and read as everyone shared there opinions. Spoke to the 4 Doctors. Read all the positive and horror stories. And finally jumped in. 1200 in the front in one day. Probably not enough I thought, but I was a little nervous. 1 month later around 800 in the rear.

Dr Cole was fantastic in every way. Now that it worked, and I like the results. My view of Dr Cole has gone up again.

I want more but I feel like the rush is off, I’m happy. I’m watching to see what’s next, how’s my hair holding up. Will my hair loss stabilize? etc.

I have plenty of donor hair left so I feel good about having hope for the future. There are things that are more important to me than my hair. But WOW it has lifted my self esteem. Made a bigger difference in my life than I thought.

Thanks for all the help, and I’m glad I could give back in some way.

Arfy always seemed to have some really good information and advice.

Of course I want more more more. But $$$ is always an issue, and as I said earlier I want to see where things are going for me and the industry. I hope in the next 6-12 months to make my next decision.

I try to check in once a week to see what’s up, but I think its true if you get great results (I feel there great) you seem to just move on.

I hope my hair stays, hairloss stops, and a magic pill is invented to grow hair 🙂

View “TK”‘s results in out patient gallery

Patient 19 Testimonial




I arrived home safely and it is hard to put into words how thrilled I am with the work! I have no idea how many we did, but I know with all the repair work it certainly turned into a longer day than anticipated and I want to make sure you feel fairly compensated. I also want to send Patrick and Nelson something for all their extra time so they don’t mutiny on you. I don’t know if doing the CIT without completly shaving the donor area is something that you now do routinely or if that was just something you are experimenting with , but it is remarkable to think that in four days when I take out the stitches, there will basically be no trace that I had anything done! lowering the cost of CIT it probably doesn’t help you any but I am ecstatic about it.

It is the world’s fist truly undetectable transplant! The worst part of an CIT procedure for me in the past was always the “regrowth” period when you had to camouflage with Topic or Couvre. This completely eliminates that!! Again, I am thrilled. Thank for your great work, compassion and attention to detail that no other doctor can match. Talk to you soon…




Hello there doc Cole,

How are you? I hope everything is ok down there.

We’ve met at Pantelis offices last September and after we spoked you gave me new hope to my problem.

How I wish I knew you from before.

Three months are gone since the day you transplanted a small sample of hairs with the CIT method on my scar and I am glad to say that new hairs started to grow nicely from the scalp.

I can’t find the proper way to thank you. And I hope that you will come in April so that we can discuss furthermore.

By the way my head looks different now because the hairs from previous surgeries appear to grow back again (remember I tried to get rid of them with the laser hair removal ) but they seem to be fine and natural and with a bigger length.

Today I have wrote to the hair loss forums about my case and expressing my feelings about you and how grateful I am to you.

And now I know for sure that every single good word being written by other patients is a reality.

I’d like to thank you again from my heart and I am looking forward to meet you in April here in Cyprus.

Maybe there is still some hope to do something more with me.

I will be very glad if this new approach with body hair comes to be the alternative solution for those patients like me with very little hair on their heads.

If there is a chance to find time and answer this email, then I will be happy to hear from you




Hey doc, I wanted to see if I could get some before pictures of my head, and pictures of the work! My hair is growing and is seems to get thicker by the week. The hair in my scars are also growing! The hairline looks great and I could not be happier unless I grew all of my hair back. Thank you for working on me and repairing Dr. Rossanelli’s mess I really do appreciate it. Please let me know about the pictures, I can’t even remember what I looked like before the operation. I hope things are going well. Thanks for the help and tell everyone I said hello.



I’m 6 months post-CIT now and my hair is coming in well — VERY well, as the fullness on top has actually exceeded my expectations. Thank you very much for what you’ve done for me.



I am at the 6 and a half month point from a procedure I had with Dr Cole in his Atlanta office. I must say that if you are looking for a quality, knowledgable doctor who genuinely cares about his patient then I recommend Dr Cole.

I discovered Dr. Cole after visiting this forum and after seeing some of the posting of his work. I visited his website( and submitted my information and a couple hours later I got a call from Dr Cole himself which really surprised me.

In my procedure with Dr Cole he did about 1800 follicular units by the strip method and it went quite well. I was in the chair from about 8:30 am until about 5:00 pm.The only real pain I felt was the needle used to numb the donor and recipient areas. I ended up watching 4 movies and the time seemed to pass by quickly.

The first couple months were probably the hardest because I experienced some shock loss around the donor and recipient areas and it was quite hard at times to look in the mirror. At about the third month things started to take off and my hair began to fill in both areas of the donor and recipient areas. The fourth month thru the sixth month have been *** as my hair continues to grow and get stronger and the donor region has healed so well that I have trouble finding where it is.

This was actually my third HT procedure. I had 100 mini grafts by Bosley in 1993 and 432 mini grafts from Elliott and True in 1995. I have also been on propecia since 1998. The results I’ve had with Dr Cole far exceed any previous work that I’ve had.

I am so glad to have found this forum because it has helped me so much with the right information in making these all so important decisions. Take care and Happy New Year !

This post was made by the user “Quincy Columbo” on



Hi Dr Cole,

Thanks for your brilliant work on my crown on Monday

I am recovering well.

This time there is virtually no post op discomfort compared to the striplast time, CIT is awesome.

Thanks again and have a happy Thanksgiving.



I wanted to share pictures of my HT at exactly 3 months. Lots of hair came in early starting around 6 weeks, but I expect lots more to come in, since everyone says they saw maximum growth between 3 and 6 months?



soven’s 3-month CIT pictures on



I am a 52 year old veteran of one scalp reduction and 8 strip sessions, starting in the early 90’s. My first procedure was 1993 or 1994. At that time of course the Internet wasn’t available and even though I did my homework as well as you could in those days I ended up a mess. I won’t name names, since I believe all the doctors I went to have retired and it was more the poor technology available at the time than the incompetence of the doctors. Anyway, I had five sessions in fairly quick order, probably over a 3 year period and ended up with about 1500 mini/micrografts. Anywhere from 1 to 15 or 20 hairs. They were pitted, compressed, inserted at improper angles, randomly arranged and I also had a bunch of 2-5 hair grfts near my hairline and a lot of nice scars on the back of my head. But I still had a lot of hair on top and in the back in those days that pretty much covered the whole mess up.

Cut to the late 90’s and and I’ve lost a lot more hair. The grafts on top are now plainly visible and I realize I need more work. I go for three more mega strip sessions of 1000 grafts each, the last of which leaves me with a huge one inch scar all along the back of my head because by this time my scalp was so tight that if I raised my eyebrows in front I could feel the back of my scalp rise at the same time (still can). Anyway, my hair still looked like hell, the hairline sucked and of course there was the scar. But, with my scalp as tight as it was, I knew I could never have any more strips done and was pretty much resigned to living with what I had. 

That is when I found out about Dr Woods and Campbell. I went to them for 3 sessions totaling 1250 FUEs and they did an incredible job of filling in a lot of the scar (the growth was phenomenal) and put some grafts on top to soften my pluggy look. Unfortunately, I could not afford another trip to AUZ and even if I could, I lacked enough donor hair to in-fill enough to camouflage all the big grafts from the early 90s. I felt my only hope was to remove and redistribute the large grafts and then use the rest of my donor hair to soften up the look on top.

I flew to NYC to consult with Dr Bernstein and he told me that he would not touch me because there were “too many” mini/micros and that I should “wait for cloning” then have them removed and use cloned hair to finish the job. Waiting for cloning just didn’t sound like a lot of fun.

It was about this time (Feb 2002) that I started to see posts about Dr. Cole. I emailed him about my situation and he too told me that while he was working on CIT, he just “wasn’t ready” for someone like me who had so little margin for error. He told me at the time that “Woods is still the master”.

Well, I kept in touch with Dr Cole, and earlier this year I flew to Atlanta and had a consult with him. He suggested removing some of the larger grafts and the ones that were very obvious in my hairline and then adding some new FUs using his CIT method. We decided on removing and redistributing about 150 grafts and supplementing these with 300 CIT.

I went for my procedure September 19th. Dr Cole removed the largest plugs on top using a punch. These he sutured. In the hairline he removed everything that was over 1 hair using the CIT procedure to extract the grafts. The holes where he removed th 2, 3 and 4 hair grafts were very small. He closed this area using one long suture from side to side that ran across the front of my hairline. He then VERY carefully shaved just enough area on the sides of my head to remove the CITs that he used to fill in my hairline. By the end of the day (9:30 PM) we had implanted 562 grafts in my hairline, a combination of new CITs and redistributed older grafts that his technician Nelson had dissected under a microscope. The cosmetic improvement was immediate and remarkable! I am planning another session to remove more grafts and do more CIT work in either November or January.

The purpose of this post is not to start a debate on the merits of strip versus CIT. Quite frankly, if I had a virgin scalp and was going for my first transplant, I might very well do a large strip session first and then fill in any scarring with CIT. My reason for this post is to reassure and inform people out there who are in the same position as I am that there is now a way out of the abyss. Dr. Cole can fix people like us that have reached the point where we CANNOT have strip surgeries because of our scalp tightness. I cannot say enough about the professionalism and compassion that Dr Cole and his staff displayed. In fact, I am almost afraid to say too much, because I have seen so many instances on the various transplant forums where the minute someone praises the work he received he is accused of being a shill or employee of the doctor. I am neither, just a happy customer. Thank you Nelson, Patrick, Thomas, Chris and Leith for your help. And thank you Dr Cole for putting the time and money into perfecting your repair procedure to where you can help people like myself. 

One other thing, although I had only prepaid for a total of 450 grafts, there was no extra charge for the additional 112 and Dr Cole also implanted two grafts on the inside of my wrist to test a hair multiplication procedure that he is hoping will be successful in eventually harvesting multiple hairs from a single follicle. He also took pictures of the growth in my scar tissue (the work that Dr Woods did) because he was so impressed with the result. I will send him a before picture and hopefully we can get these photos posted to show that scar tissue really will grow good hair.

I hope this will give some hope to those of you out there who feel helpless. If I can answer any questions please feel free to ask or email me at Good luck to everyone and special thanks to DJ for steering me towards Dr Cole in the first place. I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.




Just want to share my experience regarding my consultation with Dr. Cole this past Sat.

After sitting in NYC traffic for 2 hours I finally made it to the office about 15 min late. Thankfully, Dr. Cole was also running late so I didn’t feel so bad. It also gave me time to sit and talk with his assistant Christina who was very friendly and easy-going. (not hard to look at either). Now any of you who have been to the NYC location know that the office isn’t set up to impress anyone. It is purely functional and made me feel like I was in my general practitioners office. If I didn’t know so much about Dr. Cole from the internet I would have left wondering if it was a “fly-by-night” operation. The truth is that the office is not fully up and running yet, which is something that they are working on, so I’ll give him a break on that.

When Dr. Cole came out to greet me any apprehensions I had were quickly resolved. He is very personable, and if I met him out in the street I’d never guess he was a HT doc. After exchanging a few pleasantries he took me back to one of the operating rooms and we started talking business. He gave me a quick once over and then gave me the good and the bad. THE GOOD: I have better than average density in the donor area (200/cm2) and better than average diameter (80). He classified me as NW 3A moving to 5A, but he doesn’t see me progressing beyond that, which means I shouldn’t require too much body hair to complete the job. He doesn’t see the need to remove any of my previous grafts, of which he feels I had excellent yield, and my donor scar is small and healed very well. THE BAD: I have a very tight scalp which rules out any mega strip sessions, however in his opinion this contributed to my fine scar. He says that the tight scalp = fine scar as long as a reasonable amt. of donor was removed. Also he noticed miniaturization in the crown (NW5) area, which means I will someday have to deal with that. That said, he suggested CIT which I get the impression he is suggesting to a lot of his patients. It seems as though he is really embracing it, and has a lot of faith in its results. He mentioned that he is pressing Dr. Rose to accept and move towards CIT and is making progress with him, so we may soon get another CIT doc in the picture. I’m looking at about 1500 grafts for now over 2 sessions. To answer some questions asked by a couple of guys in my previous thread. 1) Dr. Cole will take hair from just about any reasonable place on the body, including lower abdomen. Just not the “obvious” areas. 2) His opinion on Gho’s HM is “I’ll believe it when I see it”. He is open minded but wants to see facts before drawing conclusions. 3) I never directly asked him about # of grafts/session, but based on our discussion I believe 1200 isn’t out of the question. He suggested 800 in 1 session for me. I’d rather not totally shave my head) 4) I stand corrected, Dr. Cole does use technicians, however 2 of them are drs. They will plant grafts, but only Dr. Cole removes them via CIT. 5) He feels that he makes positive progress with every procedure, so you will see improvements in the results by waiting 6 months. He mentioned that he discovered 2 “new things” just this past week, 1 of which “may” lead to improved results.

In addition to that I should mention that Dr. Cole performed his 1st CIT procedure in NYC this past weekend, and is planning to start scheduling CIT surgeries for NYC in the very near future. Maybe I’ll be the next. Also for you H&W guys, he had very positive things to say about both of those guys. He disagrees with using all lateral slits, but can’t argue with their results which he agrees are top notch. He also would not discourage me or anyone else from going to H&W if a large strip session was the order of the day. I’d like to address something that someone previously posted about Dr. Cole being arrogant. That I believe is the wrong term. Confident is much more suitable. Arrogance is blind, and confidence is based on facts and knowledge. Dr. Cole will make some statements that could be mistaken for arrogance, but he always follows up with facts. This is when he sheads his mellow exterior and gets serious, and I like that.

To summarize, I had a very positive experience with Dr. Cole, and I would suggest that anyone considering CIT/FUE to meet with him. IMHO out of the 3 drs currently performing CIT/FUE regularly he gives the best overall results. I’ve seen some questionable aesthetic results out of Woods (donor is pure artistry though), and Jones is real close (TKDkid’s last session looks great), but Cole is already there. (again just my opinion) This is why I chose to speak with him, and in doing so I was just looking for flaws, a reason to take him off my list. I didn’t find any. So at this point I can say I’m 99% sure he’ll be my doc. And as an added bonus, I may not even have to travel.



My overall experience with Dr. Cole was wonderful. I feel so very lucky and fortunate to have found him and have a procedure with him and his staff. Everyone at his office was fantastic and did so much to care of me. I have to say that Dr. Cole worked was more concerned about my personal well-being than my own family physician! During the whole procedure, Dr. Cole worked constantly and side-by-side with his staff making sure everything went exactly as he wanted. I just can’t thank Dr. Cole enough for all that he did and gave to me. I will definitely go back to him if and when I have the opportunity. 

I will leave everyone with this: If you are interested in a HT procedure and if you can, please avoid strip-procedures, and most importantly, if Dr. Cole isn’t at the top of your list of consideration, then you are doing yourself a tremendous disservice. I highly recommend that you at least speak to Dr. Cole for numerous reasons. He’s a very, very good doctor and a great caring one at that.

More Testimonial by “Shears”



I wanted to let you know how I’m doing 1 week post-op! CIT is an process. After going thru two 4 MM plug procedures and two strip procedures, I can’t believe the difference. I had practically zero soreness in the donor area and was able to sleep without pain. The recipient area felt good also–at this point, most of the crusts have fallen off. As I mentioned to you, I returned to work the next day, as if nothing happened. That certainly wasn’t the case in any of my other procedures. It’s too bad I came along too early to take full advantage of this great technology.

I also want to thank you for your valuable time & effort performing the additional procedure for me. I know I’ll be beaming when the grafts begin to grow. I’m not sure what yield I may have left in my donor area, but, I’d like to pursue the possibility of working on my crown when my finances allow. In the interim, I’m going to enjoy having more hair!

Thanks again for being so gracious!



well, it is always very difficult for me to express my feelings and to get into technical details with my English. but i will do my best me and Dr Cole decided to do a test first to see how the CIT is working and if it does we will continue to a bigger procedure.

I arrived to Greece in the 13th and the Weather was so bad with powerful winds, my airplane almost crashed!! the Israeli Pilots comes from the army and they still think they are still Flying an F-16 🙂 Anyway, a driver picked me up at the airport and drive me to the clinic.

From the start they treated me so good with lots of care and respect, i was surprised to see patients from all over the world (2 guys from the Uk and India, Greece, Italy).

When i first saw Dr Cole I felt immediately a big chemistry and openness, i was so impressed by him, he is a very direct man, he will never try to sell you, he is like an artist. His work and Desire for excellence is coming from is soul, he never loose his passion and he spend a lot of time to explain me in every detail about HT, but what impressed me the most is that you are talking with this guy and you feel like you knew him all your life, he is very down to earth and there is no “I’m the big full of arrogance expert doctor and you are just a little patient” feeling you get from most doctors.

[b]”WhatEverItTakes” reply[/b]

“Great! I am going in to see Cole in Atlanta, his main headquarters on Feb. 24, 2003. I have some repair work. I will keep you all updated. I am considering posting like Jot. I have thus far been most impressed by Dr. Cole. I am confident is his ability to achieve both the extraction and even more importantly, the end front result. I have been researching this for a long time. Woods may, indeed, have the best extraction, however, I have not been as impressed with his hairlines. They are good, but not great. Dr. Cole and Hasson/Wong have impressed me the most with their incredible hairlines from numerous pictures. It’s a 2 fold process, and Cole, thus far, seems like the best choice in my opinion to achieve my goals. Great News Blondy, I can tell you are a caring individual. And POET, I love your posts, since you have been to just about everybody, your opinion is always well respected. Keep Punching Guys! “



Hair is growing like crazy — even in the last 2 weeks there’s been a serious increase… Forget about NYC, I’ll just come down to Atlanta. It’s best to go where you’re comfortable and your team knows the deal. Esp. since I’m asking you to do something so unusual. So I’ll be down in Alpharetta Jan 8-9. I think by next fall I may have one of the best looking HT’s in the world. Thanks for sticking with a demanding customer. Happened to see Benny’s posts. I was moved by them. That, to my mind, is what a *real* doctor can do for someone. Heal them.




I wanted to let you know how I’m doing 1 week post-op! CIT is an amazing process. After going thru two 4 MM plug procedures and two strip procedures, I can’t believe the difference. I had practically zero soreness in the donor area and was able to sleep without pain. The recipient area felt good also–at this point, most of the crusts have fallen off. As I mentioned to you, I returned to work the next day, as if nothing happened. That certainly wasn’t the case in any of my other procedures. It’s too bad I came along too early to take full advantage of this great technology.

I also want to thank you for your valuable time & effort performing the additional procedure for me. I know I’ll be beaming when the grafts begin to grow. I’m not sure what yield I may have left in my donor area, but, I’d like to pursue the possibility of working on my crown when my finances allow. In the interim, I’m going to enjoy having more hair!

If I get the chance to get to Atlanta this summer, I’d love to take you up on your Braves/Phillies offer. It would be great to see the Braves new ballpark, enjoy the ballgame, & talk baseball with you.

Thanks again for being so gracious!

Sincerely, Mike

P. S. Please pass on my thanks to Patrick, John, and all for their help!


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