By Dr. Cole, FUE Hair Transplant Pioneer

Hair Restoration Reviews – Real or Fake?

Patient inspecting legit reviews

Before undergoing hair transplant surgery, patients are always eager to read hair restoration reviews. There are countless hair restoration reviews on various surgeons and techniques- but how does one weed through the hype and find out the real story? This article will discuss some of the best resources for finding accurate hair restoration reviews.

Negative Hair Restoration Reviews

One important point to note off the bat is that individuals who have had negative experiences will always be more vocal than those who are pleased with a product or service. This is true in any and every industry. The majority of hair restoration patients are very pleased with their results but there is a small minority who are ultimately dissatisfied. The latter group is the one more likely to get on the internet and write scathing reviews and cautionary tales. This makes sense because the majority of hair restoration patients, those who are able to restore their hairlines and confidence, are out living their lives and able to move on from dwelling on hair restoration and hair loss in general. Therefore, it is important to remember to take negative hair restoration reviews with a grain of salt. Sure, some men have had terrible results and will have the photos to back up their assertions- but there is also a group of patients who will be unsatisfied no matter what. If hair restoration is something you wish to pursue, do not let this group scare you off.
Hair restoration has come a long way and, in the hands of a top physician, it is possible to have results that are virtually undetectable, even to your hairdresser.

Positive Hair Restoration Reviews

In addition to the many negative hair restoration reviews, it is possible to find online, you also must appraise positive reviews critically. Unfortunately, the anonymity of the internet allows people to pose as virtually anyone they wish to be- including a satisfied hair restoration patient. There is always a possibility that a glowing physician review was written by a clinic representative or even the surgeon himself. For this reason, it doesn’t hurt to be skeptical of such reviews. However, we must note that the majority of positive hair restoration reviews are likely genuine- many patients want to express their gratitude by praising the work of their surgeon but do not wish to reveal their identity in such a public forum. Simply remember not to put too much stock in anonymous reviews and be sure to maintain a healthy skepticism about everything you read on the internet.

Other Hair Restoration Reviews

So if you cannot entirely trust positive or negative hair restoration reviews, how do you go about selecting a top hair transplant physician? An important thing to keep in mind is that a picture is worth a thousand words. Hair restoration result photos and videos speak for themselves and can give you a great idea of the skill and experience of a given surgeon. Unfortunately, even photographs can be manipulated to an extent- watch out for small, blurred or grainy photos which do not show clear detail of the workmanship. Top surgeons with excellent results will have nothing to hide.
One final hint is to try and speak with former patients, or even meet with them to see their results in person. Many hair restoration offices will be happy to provide a referral list of former patients who are happy to speak with prospective patients about their experiences and results. This is one of the best and most telling means of receiving an accurate and unbiased hair restoration review.


What's Your Next Step?

Are you eager to explore your hair restoration possibilities? Get ready to take action against that frustrating bald spot or thinning hair today, set up a complimentary FREE online consultation with one of our expert ForHair hair restoration specialists. By partnering with a ForHair Physician, we're dedicated to unraveling the root causes of your hair loss and determining the most suitable treatment path for your unique needs.

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