By Dr. Cole, FUE Hair Transplant Pioneer

Extracellular Matrix Used on Soldiers Injured in Afghanistan

Soldiers Injured in Afghanistan
Soldiers Injured in Afghanistan
ACell Extracellular matrix

England’s Daily Mail posted an article this morning about the use of extracellular matrix (ECM) products to help repairs the wounds of soldiers injured in Afghanistan. According to the Daily Mail, ECM has been successfully used on severely wounded soldiers. A treatment that provides essential macromolecules, ECM provenly hastens healing and minimizes scars.

How ECM Works?

Typically derived from pig’s bladder, ECM may seem crude but is proving itself a medical marvel. ACell is the leading brand, with their MatriStem UBM removing distinct cells and therefore mitigating the patient’s anti-inflammatory response.

In other words, the tissue’s alien context is completely eliminated, only leaving beneficial characteristics. The function is doubly useful, with the ability to bind with bioorganic matter and adopt its traits/patterns. In one gaping leg wound, for instance, ECM was able to grow nerves, muscles, and ordinary tissue where that had been none.

ECM, including ACell, is processed in different ways for different contexts. This includes wraps for skin treatment, inlays for surgical or deep tissue recovery, and a powder form for irregular wounds and thorough context within its bed. First, the material binds with organic matter, then it slowly is appropriated by it until the two masses are one.

The benefits for physical trauma victims are obvious; faster healing and a greater chance of full recuperation. While cosmetic, ACell’s ability to mitigate scarring is a major boon as well. Survivors are better able to reintegrate socially and have less of a tangible reminder of the incident that harmed them in the first place. The psychological benefits of this aspect should be obvious.

ACell and Hair Transplantation

The Cole Hair Transplant Group has been offering ACELL treatment for our CIT® hair transplant patients for years. The main benefit of hair transplantation is obvious; noticeable scarring is far less likely to happen. Recuperation, as with any sort of surgery, is faster.

ACell’s nuances are also particularly exciting in regards to regeneration. Thanks to the minimal invasiveness of CIT®, some donor follicles regenerate allowing for greater coverage in the extraction sites. This enables surgeons to harvest a greater amount of follicles for maintenance procedures, should the need arise.

Additionally, ACell provenly compliments platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments for the same reason; greater activation of stem cells. In addition to potency, the treatment lasts far longer. PRP along requires monthly or bi-monthly treatments to remain effective. Near everyone who receives PRP + ACell, on the other hand, only require treatments every half year to year.

At The Cole Group, ACELL treatment involves the careful application of the ECM, in powder form, to a patient’s recipient and donor regions. With ACELL treatment, CIT® patients can expect more rapid and complete healing post-surgery while those receiving PRP sport even better, longer-lasting growth.

If you would like to read the complete Daily Mail article, click here: Magic ‘Pixie Dust’ made from pig bladders helps ‘regrow’ limbs of wounded soldiers.

At The Cole Group, ACELL treatment involves the careful application of the ECM, in powder form, to a patient’s recipient and donor regions.  With ACELL treatment, CIT® patients can expect more rapid and complete healing post-surgery.  Dr. Cole is currently studying whether ACELL may reduce the appearance of hypopigmentation that some FUE patients develop in their donor region.  There is also interest in whether ACELL may be able to stimulate stem cells left behind in the donor region, and potentially induce the growth of new hair.

If you would like to read the complete Daily Mail article, click here: Magic ‘Pixie Dust’ made from pig bladders helps ‘regrow’ limbs of wounded soldiers


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