We’re always excited to share new developments within the industry, and refinements to the Cole Isolation Technique (CIT), particularly those that may make quality hair transplantation more accessible to the masses. Dr. Cole was the first physician to use a punch smaller than 1 mm, created the only patented instruments with depth control available, and will soon offer the fastest and safest motorized extraction device on the market to other physicians in his network.
Over the past couple of months, Dr. Cole has been using his new motorized equipment, which has made the extraction process faster than ever and has allowed his clinic to take on more, and larger, cases than ever before. Today, he was able to cut 1,000 grafts in under an hour (including the time it took to administer anesthesia, prepare the donor area, and make the extractions).
His new equipment is allowing safer extraction of grafts using smaller and smaller punches. As we continue to gain experience with this instrumentation, we anticipate physicians will be able to roll back pricing for patients and to make quality hair restoration surgery more affordable for hair loss sufferers throughout the world.
With the speed with which large procedures could be completed, and the lower cost, being two of the only advantages strip surgery offers over CIT, we may just be heading in a direction in which strip surgery will become obsolete in the coming years. Dr. Cole’s new instrument is capable of extracting 2,000 grafts in one hour excluding the time it takes to prepare the donor area for harvesting. It would take a team of trained strip technicians 5 to 10 man-hours to cut the same number of grafts under a microscope. The last technical barrier between strip surgery and FUE has just been broken; it has been crushed. For example, today Dr. Cole was able to remove 1,000 grafts in under an hour. It can easily take that long just to remove a strip of tissue and suture the wound with strip surgery. It then takes surgical techs an hour for every 200-300 grafts they cut (something that is left only in the physician’s capable hands with CIT).
CIT, or Cole Isolation Technique, is Dr. John Cole’s proprietary follicular unit extraction method. Dr. Cole pioneered his technique back in 2002, and it has since evolved into the highly refined CIT method. CIT involves the use of specially designed CIT instruments to remove follicular units individually. These follicular units, or grafts, are then artfully placed in the thinning or balding areas, from which they eventually grow as if native hairs. CIT allows Dr. Cole to maximize the available donor area for harvesting and to cherry-pick the follicular units that will produce an optimal yield. Most importantly, it’s unlike with strip hair transplantation, CIT does not leave a tell-tale linear scar.