By Dr. Cole, FUE Hair Transplant Pioneer

What Hair Loss Remedies Works?

Hair growth remedies

Hair Loss Remedy, pillsWith two-thirds of men experiencing significant hair loss by the age of 60, it is no wonder that there is such a significant interest in hair loss remedies. Unfortunately, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution for hair loss.  In addition to hair loss being caused by different factors, not all men react to hair loss products and remedies in the same way.  It, therefore, becomes necessary to try different options and see what works best for you.

Some people believe that simple scalp massage may be an effective natural hair loss remedy.  The theory is that, by stimulating the blood flow to the hair follicle, you can encourage growth. It’s possible that this may work in cases of temporary hair loss, but unlikely to be an effective hair loss remedy for those with male pattern baldness.

One natural hair loss remedy, that some have seen a benefit in, is saw palmetto.  Saw palmetto works in a similar way to Propecia, preventing testosterone from converting into DHT (which contributes to hair loss).  Saw palmetto is available as an herbal supplement, and can be found over-the-counter in just about any drug store.

Zinc is thought to be a very important mineral when it comes to hair and scalp health, and may have some effect as a hair loss remedy for some individuals. Zinc is theorized to be beneficial for men experiencing hair loss because it has been shown to promote cell reproduction and tissue growth. Zinc can be found in a number of food sources, as well as in supplement form.

Some individuals advocate a “whole body approach” to maintaining your hair, and keeping your scalp and body healthy.  This involves a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise and, most importantly, abstaining from smoking.

Vitamins for Hair Loss

Some people believe that a lack of B vitamins may contribute to hair loss.  One hair loss remedy worth trying involves taking a range of vitamin B supplements, including:

  • niacin (B3)
  • pantothenic acid (B5)
  • pyridoxine (B6)
  • biotin (B7)
  • folic acid (B9)
  • inositol (Bh)

A vitamin-B complex will contain many of these major B vitamins; it is also recommended to take an additional 50 mg of Vitamin B6 each day. In addition to finding them in supplement form, B vitamins can be found in milk, fruit, whole grains, eggs, fish and turkey.

Other vitamins which may aid in the prevention hair loss include vitamins C and E.  Vitamin C is thought to have anti-oxidant properties, which prevent free radical oxidation, and may combat hair loss. Vitamin E is thought to increase blood circulation and thereby stimulate the scalp. This means that more nutrients are getting to the hair follicles, supporting the growth of strong and health hair.  Vitamin E can be found in nuts, whole grains and leafy greens.

Final Thoughts

To reiterate, there is no ideal hair loss remedy for every man experiencing hair loss, and there is certainly no stand-alone “cure” Different individuals will have varying degrees of success with assorted hair loss remedies. At this time, the only permanent solution for restoring lost hair is hair restoration surgery. This involves the surgical transplantation of permanent hair from the “donor” region, to areas of loss at the top and front of the head, or the “recipient” zone.


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Are you eager to explore your hair restoration possibilities? Get ready to take action against that frustrating bald spot or thinning hair today, set up a complimentary FREE online consultation with one of our expert ForHair hair restoration specialists. By partnering with a ForHair Physician, we're dedicated to unraveling the root causes of your hair loss and determining the most suitable treatment path for your unique needs.

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